News & Press Release
Weathernews Launches “Climate Impact”, a climate change risk analysis service for companies.
~Assessing business impact by office, factory, and retail location~
Weathernews Inc. launched “Climate Impact”, a service for companies to analyze the risks of climate change, on February 10, 2021.
This service provides climate change analysis and risk assessment specific to offices, factories, stores, and other locations to evaluate the impact of climate change on business. The service analyzes how the climate at each location will change by the year 2100. In risk assessment, we evaluate the climate risk, such as natural disasters caused by heavy rain, the impact of rising temperatures on people's lives, and crop yields, based on the weather criteria we have acquired through our service expertise.
Through the provision of this service, we will help companies endorsing TCFD to understand the business risks and opportunities associated with climate change impacts, and promote climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.

Assessing the impact of climate change on business by location
Recently, many natural disasters of unprecedented scale have occurred, and there is concern about the impact of climate change on the economy. Therefore, companies need to understand the business risks and opportunities of climate change and incorporate them into their business strategies to ensure stable growth and continuity of their businesses. On the other hand, projection data of climate change is difficult to handle and interpret, and it is also difficult to grasp the impact of climate change on each location.
Leveraging our accumulated service know-how and proprietary analysis technology, we have launched "Climate Impact," a climate risk analysis service that analyzes and assesses the impact of climate change on business specifically for offices, factories, stores, and other locations. This service provides climate scenario analysis, which analyzes how the climate at each location will change by the year 2100 based on RCP (Representative Concentration Pathways) (※1) and other climate scenarios, and risk assessment of the impact of climate change on business for businesses that are positively taking climate change measures.
In climate scenario analysis, we can analyze the medium and long-term impacts of climate change for each company's location by leveraging our service know-how and proprietary analysis technology. In risk assessment, we evaluate the risks of climate change, including natural disasters caused by heavy rainfall, the impact of rising temperatures on people's lives, and crop yields, based on weather criteria obtained through case studies of past disasters.
Weathernews launches the “Climatenews Project" to help companies and local governments cope with climate change
In recent years, climate change has become a major issue around the world as natural disasters have become more severe and widespread, and the associated business risks have become more apparent. In Japan, companies and local governments consider various mitigation and adaptation measures. In a company, endorsements of the TCFD(※2) and RE100(※3) are increasing. Local governments are declaring zero-carbon cities and cities declaring climate change emergencies, and they are establishing climate change adaptation centers, and formulating climate change adaptation plans.
Under these circumstances, we have launched the "Climatenews Project" to support companies and local governments in both mitigation and adaptation to climate change.
This project will contribute to strengthening the resilience of companies and municipalities and increasing their corporate value by providing climate change services using advanced weather analysis and forecasting technology and our service know-how, which has provided solution services for weather risks to more than 2,500 companies and municipalities in 21 countries to date.
※1 TCFD:The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures was established to examine climate-related disclosures and how financial institutions should respond. TCFD released its final report in June 2017, recommending that companies and others disclose information on climate change-related risks and opportunities.
※3 RE100:International initiative for companies to obtain 100% renewable energy to power their operations「Renewable Energy 100%」.
▼For more information:
If your company is interested in “Climate Impact”, please feel free to contact us from the link below.