News & Press Release
Weathernews Establishes a New Sales Office In London,U.K. -- To better serve the customers in the U.K. by Complementing the Existing Aberdeen Office --

WEATHERNEWS U.K. LTD., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Weathernews, Inc. (Global Chairman & CEO: Hiroyoshi Ishibashi), based in Japan, the world’s largest private full-service weather company, opened a new sales office in London, U.K. on October 25. The company has opened the new sales office, to complement its existing operating base in Aberdeen, Scotland, thereby strengthening its business activities to better serve its customers and prospects in the U.K.
"We are thrilled to share the excitement in opening our completed operations center and fulfill the goal we set forth for ourselves last year,” said Hiroyoshi Ishibashi, Global Chairman and CEO of Weathernews, Inc. “Now that our U.S. operations will be working together with some of the best meteorological organizations, we are well positioned and dedicated to fostering innovation in the weather industry and applying that innovation to commercial industries around the world."
Until now, Weathernews has provided weather risk-communication services to various U.K. industries, through its Aberdeen Office in Scotland. However, by adding a new sales base in London, where many major British companies are concentrated, the company has substantially strengthened its network in the U.K. Adding the new office enables Weathernews to provide a speedier response to the needs of all its customers. The new office is situated on the former grounds of the U.K. Patent Office in an area of London that is famous for being a legal center.
Weathernews’ services in the U.K. have centered on VP(Voyage Planning Content Service), and 2O(Ocean&Off-Shore Content Service). The new office will put the company in a position to expand its customer bases in MOBILE(Mobile Content Service) and SKY(Aviation Industry Content Service)––both the Weathernews group’s core operation in all countries––as well as STORE(Shop Management Content Service), TRAVEL(Content Service for Tourists in Transit), and BIT(Media Content Service). The company is planning in particular to strengthen its MOBILE for individuals and the general public in the U.K.
WEATHERNEWS U.K. LTD. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Weathernews, Inc. Based in Japan, Weathernews, Inc. is the world's largest full-service weather company (TSE#1, 4825). A global organization with 36 offices in 15 countries, Weathernews delivers customized, risk communication services to businesses and individuals whose lives or livelihoods are affected by the weather. With over 12,000 business customers and over 1.3 million wireless subscribers worldwide, the company consistently evaluates and evolves existing applications for weather information while exploring additional markets and industries which would benefit operationally and financially from specific weather information and delivery methods. Currently, Weathernews delivers weather information, analysis and risk communication services to some of the largest companies in mobile phone, aviation, shipping, offshore oil, marine, retail, media and more.
Weathernews Inc.
Weathernews Inc. is the world's largest private weather service company.
It is the only global weather contents provider that has over 600 staffs (including more than 350 meteorologists) in 31 offices in the main cities around the world.
Weathernews offers a full range of weather content services based on a solid man & machine shareware system. In November 2003, Weathernews became the first weather service company ever listed on the 1st Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (4825).