
Privacy Policy for Recruitment Activities

Weathernews, Inc.(Address: Makuhari Techno Garden, 1-3 Nakase, Mihama-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba; President: Tomohiro Ishibashi) and its group companies* (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Group”) will handle personal information of each candidate** (hereinafter referred to as “Candidate”) obtained in connection with the Group's recruitment activities based on the “Privacy Policy for Recruitment Activities” (hereinafter referred to as “this Policy”).

*The “Group Companies” in this policy shall refer to the affiliated companies listed in the Company's Annual Securities Report.

**The term “Candidate” as used in this Policy shall mean an applicant for a position offered by our Group, a participant in a recruitment-related event such as a job fair, or any other candidate for employment by our Group.

When recruiting, we ask candidates to provide us with personal information. Candidates are asked to participate in the Group's recruitment activities with the consent that their personal information will be handled in accordance with this policy, so please review the contents of this policy.

See here for information on the handling of personal information other than the matters described in this policy.

Personal information to be obtained

Personal information in this policy refers to information obtained by the Group in the course of its recruitment activities, regardless of the medium or manner in which it is obtained, and includes the following:

  • Name, date of birth, gender, address, telephone number, e-mail address, educational background, work history, current annual income, desired annual income, qualifications, motivation, and any other information regarding the Candidate.
  • All information contained in documents provided by Candidates to the Group for the purpose of applying for employment, regardless of format, such as resumes, CVs, entry forms, questionnaires, etc.
  • Any and all forms of communication (including, but not limited to, communication during interviews) between the Group and the Candidate, including, but not limited to, dialogue, correspondence, telephone calls, etc.
  • All information obtained by our group through background checks, reference checks, and other verification procedures for the purpose of employment selection.
  • The history of applications for and participation in the Group's recruiting activities and the results of the selection process for such activities

Restrictions on Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

We will not provide personal information of Candidates to third parties unless we have the Candidate's consent or are required to do so by law. However, in cases where the handling of personal information is entrusted to a third party within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use, the Candidate's personal information may be provided to the entrusted party without the Candidate's consent. In the case of outsourcing, we will select an appropriate outsourcing company, clarify the obligations and responsibilities of the outsourcing company by contract, and otherwise supervise the outsourcing company appropriately to ensure that the personal information is managed safely by the company.

Sharing of Personal Information

The group will share the personal information we have acquired among our group companies to the extent necessary to achieve the “Purposes of Use of Personal Information”.

  • Information to be jointly used
    Personal information as defined in “Personal Information to be Acquired“
  • Scope of joint users
    Affiliated companies listed in the Company's Annual Securities Report
    [URL of Annual Securities Report]
  • Purpose of Use of Personal Information
    To achieve the “Purposes of Use of Personal Information
  • Person Responsible for Management of Shared Use
    Name: Weathernews, Inc.
    Address: Makuhari Techno Garden, 1-3 Nakase, Mihama-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba
    Name of representative: Tomohiro Ishibashi

Personal Information Management and Security

The Group stores Candidates' personal information securely on servers in an environment that is inaccessible to the general public, and manages it appropriately to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, or leakage. Please also refer to our Privacy Policy for the security control measures taken by Weathernews Inc. The Group stores and manages the personal information of Candidates who have been selected for employment as employee information in accordance with the Company's internal rules. Personal information of Candidates who are not selected for employment will be retained for a certain period of time to the extent necessary for the purpose of improving the Group's recruitment process and providing information on future employment opportunities and events of the Group.

Procedures for requesting disclosure of personal information

The group will appropriately respond to requests for disclosure, etc. (notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, elimination, suspension of provision to a third party) of Candidate's personal information in our possession, in accordance with the provisions of the law. If you wish to request disclosure, etc., of personal information held by the Group, please contact the “ Inquiry Desk “.

Upon receiving a request for disclosure, etc., we may ask you to present identification documents to verify that the request is from the person in question.

Improving and updating this policy

The Group will work to improve this policy from time to time. This policy may be revised in response to changes in laws and regulations or to meet the needs of recruitment activities.

Contact Us

In case of any comments, questions, or complaints regarding this policy, contact the Recruitment Team, HR-Center, Weathernews, Inc.


Revised June 1, 2024 Tomohiro Ishibashi, President and Representative Director Weathernews, Inc.

Any revisions to the above policies will be posted on this page.