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Signed "Partnership Agreement on Promotion of SDGs" with several entities including Kyoto Prefecture Aiming for an Environmentally Friendly Society by Reducing Food Loss
Installation of unattended vending machines to address food loss and reduce CO2 emissions
Jun 22, 2022

As the entire supply chain is required to decarbonize in order to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, the enormous amount of CO2 emitted by food-related businesses such as food manufacturers, food wholesalers, food retailers, and food service companies due to waste loss has become one of the challenges.
With the aim of achieving decarbonization through food loss reduction, Weathernews, Kyoto Prefecture, ZERO Corporation, and Kyoto Station Center Corporation have signed a "Collaboration Agreement on the Promotion of SDGs".

(from left) Chihito Kusakai, President of Weathernews, Mr. Daichi Okisugi of ZERO Corporation, Mr. Takatoshi Nishiwaki, Governor of Kyoto Prefecture, Mr. Masahiro Oshikawa of Kyoto Station Center Co.
As part of Kyoto Prefecture's efforts to reduce food loss, "fuubo," an unmanned vending machine for food loss prevention, has been installed in front of Kyoto Station. The fuubo encourages the consumption of food that would otherwise go to waste.
This unattended vending machine allows customers to purchase food items that are nearing their expiration date at a discount from the regular price based on the expiration date.
Weathernews calculates CO2 emission reductions from the amount of food loss reductions based on the fuubo's purchase data, and periodically discloses the reduction effects. We will expand the fuubo in the Kyoto area and advance decarbonization through the reduction of food loss.

We are committed to addressing environmental issues in a variety of areas, including food loss reduction. We believe that joint efforts with our supporters around the world, including customers, shareholders, and partners, to solve global issues such as climate change and catastrophic disasters will lead toward the new value creation.
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