
Weathernews Website Terms of Use

Article 1 (Consent and Scope of Application of Terms of Use)

1. These Terms of Use for the Weathernews website (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms") set forth the terms and conditions of use for the Company's website (https://global.weathernews.com/) operated by Weathernews Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") and other websites operated by the Company for users, where a link to these Terms or other means indicates that these Terms apply (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "website").
2. However, the Terms do not apply to the following website: https://weathernews.jp/
3. The Terms apply to all matters relating to the use of the website and the services provided through the website by users of the website (hereinafter referred to as the "user").
4. You may use the website only if you accept the Terms and agree that the Terms are the content of your agreement with the Company. You shall be deemed to have accepted the Terms by using the website.

Article 2 (Prohibited Matters)

1. The user shall not perform any of the following acts in using the website, and shall not allow any third party to do so:
(1) Any act that violates or is likely to violate the provisions of the Terms or the Individual Terms, etc.
(2) Any act which infringes or makes possible the infringement of any copyright, trademark, patent or other proprietary or moral right of the Company or any third party;
(3) Any act which disadvantages or damages the Company or a third party or is likely to do so;
(4) Any act which damages or is likely to damage the reputation of the Company or a third party;
(5) Any act contrary to laws, regulations or other rules or notices of the authorities;
(6) Any act which is or is likely to be a criminal act or an act that results in a criminal act;
(7) Any act of disseminating information that discriminates on the basis of race, ethnicity, etc.
(8) Any act which is or is likely to be contrary to public order and morality;
(9) Any act for the purpose of business activities or profit, or an act for the purpose of preparation thereof;
(10) Any act of making a false declaration or notification, etc., such as registering another person's e-mail address;
(11) Any act which interferes with or is likely to interfere with the operation of the website;
(12) Reproduction, modification, editing, erasure, combination with other programs, etc., reverse engineering, disassembly, decompilation, etc. of all or part of the website, or mirror site construction, etc.
(13) Any act of accessing or obtaining information about the website by scraping, crawling (using a program such as crawler, robot, or spider) and other similar means;
(14) Any act of attempting to disable or disabling security with respect to the website;
(15) Any act of imposing a load on the website by transmitting a harmful program such as a virus to the website, or any act of placing it in a receptive state;
(16) In addition to the acts listed in the preceding items, any act deemed inappropriate by the Company based on reasonable grounds.
2. When the Company finds any prohibited act specified in this article, the Company may delete all or part of it without prior notice to the user, but the Company is not obligated to monitor the website at all times.
3. If a user commits an act contrary to the prohibitions set forth in this article, the Company may immediately suspend the use of all or part of the website without requiring any demand or notice to the user. The Company shall not be obligated to disclose the reasons for taking the measures under this paragraph, and shall not be liable for any damages, etc. in connection with such measures.

Article 3 (Responsibility of the User)

1. The user shall use the website at his/her own responsibility.
2. The user shall be responsible for all use of the website, actions taken by the user based on the information contained on the website, and the results thereof.
3. The user shall be responsible for any and all acts performed on the website using the user’s member ID or other registration qualifications and the results thereof, whether or not the user has performed such acts by himself/herself. The user may not assign, transfer, put up as collateral or otherwise dispose of his/her rights or obligations to use the website to any third party without the Company’s prior written consent.
4. The user shall prepare an environment to use the website by preparing communication devices and software, etc., entering into a telephone use contract and an Internet connection contract, etc. at his/her own responsibility and expense, and shall bear such use fees, communication fees, etc.
5. When the user uses the paid services on the website, he/she shall pay the prescribed service fee specified for each separate service and posted on the service site, etc. The user shall, from time to time, check the latest service fee and other payment terms for paid services on the website.
6. The Company shall not be liable for any damage caused to the user as a result of the user’s violation of the Terms.
7. If the user causes damage to a third party in connection with the use of the website, he/she shall compensate for such damage at his/her own responsibility and expense, or resolve disputes with such third party, and shall not cause any inconvenience to the Company.
8. If the user violates the Terms and causes damage to the Company, the Company may claim compensation for damages from the user.

Article 4 (Disclaimer)

1. The Company makes no warranty of any kind, express or implied, as to the merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, completeness, accuracy, certainty, usefulness, legality, availability, etc. of the website, information, or software, etc. accessible from the website. In addition, the Company shall not warrant that the website shall be free from interruption, suspension, or other failure.
2. The Company shall not be liable for any damages arising from your use or inability to use the website, except for damages caused by our willful or gross negligence.
3. Weather information provided by the Company on its Website is based on meteorological analysis. It therefore has limits (risk of non-accuracy) inherent in the analytical methods used. Unknown factors, such as sudden changes in weather-related forces not included in the foundation for such analysis, may cause differences between weather forecasts and the actual weather conditions that later prevail. Small and unusual weather conditions attributable to geographical features and other local factors may also cause differences between forecasts and the actual weather that emerges. Rapid changes in terrestrial, meteorological, or hydrological phenomena in nature involve unpredictable and unknowable elements and may cause unforeseen weather situations at any time for reasons beyond human imagination. When you use our Website, therefore, we ask that you do so strictly for reference in deciding what action to take based on what you see and read.We also ask you to prepare for all potential risks at your own responsibility. That involves, for example, obtaining the latest local weather information prior to, say, departing on a trip, and to act accordingly. It should be noted that the Company and its directors and employees are not responsible for loss of life or damage to persons or property resulting from reliance on the informational content from our website or from actions carried out on the basis of such information.
4. The Company shall not be liable for any damage caused to the user due to the environment or system conditions, etc. of computers, smartphones, communication devices, software, etc. used by the user.

Article 5 (Stoppage, Suspension, and Change)

1. The Company may change or terminate the contents of the website without prior notice.
2. The Company shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damage caused by the change set forth in the preceding paragraph.
3. The Company may suspend or stop part or all of the website without prior notice if any of the following circumstances apply:
- When periodic or emergency maintenance and update of equipment and systems are performed for the provision of the website.
- When it is difficult to operate the website due to force majeure such as fire, power failure, or natural disaster.
- When the services of a Type I telecommunications carrier are not provided.
- In addition, when the Company deems it necessary to temporarily suspend or stop the operation of the website for operational or technical reasons, or when the Company deems it difficult to operate the website.
4. The Company shall not be liable for any disadvantages or damages suffered by the user or third parties due to temporary suspension or stoppage of the operation of the website.

Article 6 (Ownership of Rights)

1. The Company has the right to copyrights and other intellectual property rights in all contents (text, images, video, sound, etc.) published on the website. In addition to the copyrights of individual contents, the Company also owns the editorial copyrights resulting from editing in the form of a website.
2. The user agrees to transfer the copyright (including the rights under Articles 27 and 28 of the Copyright Act) of comments, images, videos, etc. posted by the user to the Company at the time of posting. Moreover, the user shall not exercise moral rights against the Company or any third party licensed by the Company.
3. If contents from our Website are used beyond the range of use permitted under the Copyright Law, such as private use and the quoting of content, permission for use must be obtained from the Company. For contents contributed from outside, permission of the respective author is also required. Performing such acts as reproduction, translation, adaptation, broadcasting, publication, sale or lending of displays appearing on our Website is prohibited without permission. Transfer of all or part of the contents on our Website to Websites other than the Company site, PC communications, intranets, electronic mail, or other media without permission from the Company, whether by profit-making concerns, nonprofit organizations, or individuals, constitutes a violation of Company's copyright and is prohibited.
4. Download by an individual of contents published on the Website to his or her own PC is interpreted as "reproduction for personal use" as permitted under the Copyright Law. Only the individual, however, or his or her family may use the downloaded contents. Whether for profit-making or non-profit purposes, if an individual downloads contents from the Web page and makes it available for use by persons other than the individual at his or her company or other places, permission is required from the Company because such action extends beyond the range of "personal use."
5. Quotations as defined under the Copyright Law refer to using part of an article for media reports, critiques, research, or other purposes within a range justifiable as compared with such purposes by specifying its source and the portion of the original quoted.In addition, a relationship is required in which the quoting party is principal and the quoted party is subordinate. Failure to meet these requirements does not constitute quotation as permitted under the Law, requiring permission by the Company for use.
6. The rights to all trademarks (service marks and trademarks) on the website belong to the Company or to the rights holders who have authorized the Company to use them. You may not use any of the trademarks posted on the website without prior permission from the Company or the licensor (when the Company is licensed to post the trademark).

Article 7 (Data Management)

1. In part of the website, you may be able to provide text, files and other data to the Company by uploading, saving, transmitting or receiving it.
2. Although the Company will manage and operate the website appropriately with the same level of security as that of similar services, you are responsible for the management of your User Data, and the Company shall not be liable for the deletion or loss of your User Data for reasons not attributable to the Company.
3. In using the website, you represent and warrant to the Company as follows.
(1) You have legitimate and sufficient rights to all data, files and other content stored on the Company's servers, including your User Data;
(2) The content does not contain any contents that are illegal or contrary to public order or morality;
(3) The handling of the content is not in violation of the Terms; and
(4) The content does not infringe any copyright, trademark, patent or other proprietary or moral right of the Company or any third party.
4. If you violate the representations and warranties set forth in the preceding paragraph, you shall be liable to compensate the Company or any third party for any damage caused thereby.
5. If a dispute, etc. arises between you and a third party due to or in connection with your acts in violation of the representations and warranties set forth in Paragraph 3 of this article, violation of the Terms, or the management and use of User Data or other content, you shall immediately notify the Company in writing and resolve the dispute, etc. at your own responsibility and expense.
6. You acknowledge in advance that the Company may conduct necessary activities, such as monitoring, analysis, and research, with respect to your User Data for the purpose of maintenance.

Article 8 (Distribution of Information, Distribution and Publication of Advertisements)

1. The Company may send information, etc. to the user of the website using the push notification function, etc. of the device.
2. If the user does not want to allow the transmission of information, etc. such as push notifications, the user himself/herself shall change the setting on the website or setting screen of the device. If the user does not allow transmission of information, etc. such as push notifications, some parts of the website may not be available.

Article 9 (Link)

The Company shall not be liable for any damages arising from the use of the content and website of any third party linked from/to this website (hereinafter referred to as "link site").

Article 10 (Security Control)

The handling of confidential information in the Service shall be in accordance with the Basic Information Security Policy (URL: https://global.weathernews.com/information-security-policy/).

Article 11 (Protection of Personal Information)

The handling of personal information in the Service shall be in accordance with the Privacy Policy (URL: https://global.weathernews.com/privacy-policy/).

Article 12 (Location Information)

1. The Company may acquire location information obtained by GPS functions or other means for devices used by the user in connection with his/her registration and the use, etc. of the website.
2. The Company may use the location information set forth in the preceding paragraph to provide each service, to determine the location information for providing each service, to improve the convenience of each service, to measure, investigate, and analyze usage situation, to improve the functions of each service, and to deliver advertisements optimized for each user.

Article 13 (Use of Information)

The handling of your usage information obtained through the Service shall be in accordance with the "Cookie Policy" (URL: https://global.weathernews.com/cookie-policy/).

Article 14 (Elimination of Anti-Social Forces)

1. The user represents that he/she and his/her officers, employees, and other related persons do not currently fall under any of the following items and assures that they will not fall under any of the following items in the future:
(1) Organized crime group;
(2) Member of any organized crime group;
(3) Associate member of any organized crime group;
(4) Entity related to any organized crime group;
(5) A racketeer, a group engaging in criminal activities under the pretext of conducting social campaigns, or a special intelligence crime group, etc., and
(6) Other persons equivalent to the preceding items.
2. The user guarantees that he/she will not perform or have any third party perform any of the following acts:
(1) Any act of violent demand;
(2) Unreasonable demand beyond legal responsibility;
(3) Any act of threatening speech or use of violence in connection with a transaction;
(4) Disseminating rumors, using deception or force to damage the Company's credibility, or interfering with the Company's business; or
(5) Other acts equivalent to the preceding items.

Article 15 (Changes to the Terms)

1. If it becomes necessary to change, add, modify, delete, etc. (hereinafter collectively referred to as "changes, etc.") any part of the Terms, the Company may make reasonable and pertinent changes, etc. to the Terms, to the extent that they are not inconsistent with the purpose of the Terms before the changes, etc.
2. Upon the changes, etc. of the Terms, the Company shall notify the user of the details of the changes, etc. and the effective date of the Terms after the changes, etc. by the method of posting such information on the website a reasonable time in advance.
3. The notification to the user set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to have been completed when the information is displayed on the website in accordance with the method set forth in the preceding paragraph and is available for viewing by the user.
4. If the notification set forth in the preceding paragraph is properly given by the Company, the Terms after the changes, etc. shall apply regardless of whether the user is aware of such changes, etc.

Article 16 (Governing Law and Jurisdictional Court)

1. The laws governing the Terms shall be the laws of Japan.
2. If it becomes necessary to file a lawsuit or file a motion for conciliation in connection with the Agreement, the Tokyo District Court or Tokyo Summary Court shall be the court with exclusive jurisdiction of the first instance.

Article 17 (Individual Terms, etc. Concerning the Use of Each Service)

The method for using each service may be subject to Individual Terms, etc. When the Individual Terms, etc. are established, the user shall observe the Individual Terms, etc. in conjunction with the Terms. In addition, if there is any conflict between the Terms and the Individual Terms, etc., the Individual Terms, etc. shall prevail in the part concerned, and the Terms and the Individual Terms, etc. shall apply simultaneously to other parts.

Article 18 (Language)

The Terms shall be officially made in Japanese. If the Terms have been translated into another language, the Japanese version shall prevail in the event of a conflict between the Japanese and other language versions.

Article 19 (Severability)

If any provision of the Terms or any part thereof is deemed invalid or unenforceable by laws and regulations, etc., the remaining provisions of the Terms and the remaining part of any provision deemed partially invalid or unenforceable shall continue to be in full force and effect.

Established and enforced on August 15, 2024