
Service Flow

Service Flow STEP1 Collect Observation Data Needed for the Weather Forecast

We use not only observation data from public weather services around the world and our own data, but also observation data and weather reports from our customers and subscribers.

Observation Data from Around the World

Ozbservation data from public weather services worldwide

Proprietary Network

13000 locations by which obtain our own data

Weather Reports

on average to report weather conditions and eye-servation

Customer Data

Observation data from customers in
(e.g.: Reports from vessels and aircrafts)

The World's Largest
Database for Meteorological,
Maritime and Terrestrial

Service Flow STEP2 Make High-Quality Forecasts with Our Proprietary AI Weather Forecasting System

We have achieved No.1 forecast accuracy by incorporating all observation data into our unique AI weather forecasting system.

Our Forecast Center monitors weather and disasters 24 hours around the clock

We also have dedicated teams to monitor and analyze the conditions of earthquakes, volcanoes, tropical cyclones and sea ice.

Observation Data

Forecast models

AI weather forecasting system

High resolution weather forecast

Service Flow STEP3 Weather information services are tailored to fit the needs of customers (supporters).

Based on the latest forecasts, we provide services to 2,600 companies around the world, meeting the needs of various industries such as voyage navigation, aviation, railways, logistics, and energy.

 Mobile app for business

Risk communicators who are knowledgeable in your business

Weather and Business data to fit the needs   

Weather data

Weather IoT Sensor 

Climate risk analytics